it's somehow feels rather saddening for me to noe tt no one is actuallyy readingg my blog. :'(
neva mindds.
**START bl0gging!
firstlyy. check this website out! there are accessories with vintage feels n nice designs.reasonable n affordable price.hees. l0ves!
ii went bangk0k n pattaya last week!
sh0pp till ii drop.
onlyy clothinggs.
will bl0gg on tt when ii gathered all the pics!

MERRY x.MAS! ((:
this "x.mas cardd is onliips forr clarlynn nehhs.
be hounoured.* winks*
let's talk bout yesterday huhs?
ii went for dental appointments .
ii LOVE dentist! weets((:
she's so nice!
Qh went widd miies.
so, after everythingg about myy teeth was d0ne..we proceeded to jur0ngg east.
bought a
- eyelashh curler. Made in china. [[supposelyy ii thought products of daiso should be from japan??!]]
- fake eyelashh. WITHOUT GLUE. [[ ii supposed it will come together?..well..nt only tt.they dunt even sell it there!]]
- a pair of s0cks? [[ it turn out to be somethingg rather weirddiish. ]] uu can c..
ii wasnt well pleased by my buyys.
hmmms..ii cant expect to0 muchhs.for daiso is sellingg everythingg @ $2 each.
tt's whadd ii wore. BUT of cus. wid a p0lka-dot ((white on
blackK)) pumps type heels.
bitch.dun be jealous cos uur camera refuses to snap u.uu cant blame it.
was just tryingg to hav some funn tryingg on some clothinggs.
on miies
::superman tee. [[crown on the superman sign.l0ves]]
::maroonishh colourred shorts.
::white n black stripes s0cks.
::blacKk heels.
mySIST'Sshades.styled [[ tha' day ii left to thaii . ha's]]
`dance to da tune.
**some gossips.
`NOTE! their items aint all from JAPAN.pls check before getting them.some are MADE IN CHINA.
kelly hairdressing [[chongpang.]]
`dunn ever go there if uu are trying to invest all uur moneyy on a GOOD rebondding.
`but for haircut.hmms.not too bad. but the cuts aint precise.
[[Far east]] ROUTE 66
` badd sales girl attitude.**wonder if she've been slacked off.
w0rdds from hartts.
some times.ii cant help but to discriminate those blangedeshi peps.
ii dun wan to.
but ii have to.
the other dayy when me n qh went to sell ice cream ((under da intro of jia wen)),there was this scarryy blanga.[wont go into details.]
ii cant help it.
but a phobia of them were developed.
orites.end here.
**guyys.take a lo0k @ chester n improve uur style.l0ls.