ii reallyys hate me. lack of self control. damnit.
Monday, September 03, 2007
I saw YOUR TONGUES IN her MOUTH; she's BITCH. ; AMANDA :: THANKS GAL! ; WI :: you're? ; SHER :: thanks! :D hahs. ; ZACSON :: for your infor, ii link up pple once every few month. x) ; zhiyan :: you're? yae, choreographed ourselves. (:
Sunday, September 02, 2007
Blogging never fails to make me feel much better. : D
firstly, sorryys to all those people, whom had had to take care of me, whom had been affected by me. ii'm damn it screwed. and , ii reallyys hate it. damn fcuk. & , THANKS.
oh wells , ii just need my anitoque to verge out my feelings all rights here. thanks. if anyone of whoever aint comfortable reading the post of whaddsoever, I CARE, just back off. (:
OUR DANCE ON FRIDAY. thanks for the compliments. ii guess we did not to0 bad alr (: and it's GROUP EFFORT! thanks gals! :D felt veryys glad that almost all the teachers liked our dance (: ii walked past the staff room and verrys-positive remarks were given. hehs.