THANKS ; A BIG THANK to all. : D say thanks!
for all that concern provided from uu guys!
rock on,
though the problems are still there,
ii felt much encouraged. : D
it was the "last" paper , monday still having chinese.
(*x.x) and i was left to be at home.
ii hate it lah.
the feeling still there.
ii felt SO SO SO much like crying just now.
but ii tot tt ii shall stay strong,
there's so much in the bottom of my heart,
tt ii'm dying to vomit it out.
ii cant put my hand in my throat and DIG it out.
it's disgusting.
it became heavier as the days goes by.
ii m sinking to a devasted state.
ii aint gonna tell them"ling and qia0"
it's neverr gonna be better.
it may get worsen.
ii felt SO SO SO MUCH LIKE CRYING just now,
amanda was kind enough to offer to call me.
think she's slping alreadyy.
ii wann her to call.
ii feel veryys MYSELF while toking to her lar.
and she's definitelyy a LOVELYY LADAYE.
anws ,

this is for ONE tai tai tingthesist to see :D
CS3 photoediting.LOLS.
it was ...ARGGHHS.
ii spent the dae off like that.
where's my frens?
being with themselves?
oh JOY,
`MISSCROSSES. thanks (:
huii` thanks princess! LOVES.
Adeva` thanks love.yea ,ii love youu. we shall resume our girly toks.
;ggrace ` thanks pie. yeas. we love! we smile!
MARYLYN.♥` heees. TUI!
amanda` thanks gal, uu are such a me!
singpohh` gan didi. wala0s.ii just like it nor.
corriine` thanks corrine. ai ni worhs!
sandra` tml maebe gg sentosa wid uu guys! haas, yeahhs, and ii noe ii gotta uu too rites? :D