**crystal :: HAPPYYS NEW YEAR To0! yays! ii Yuu.
**huii`:: YAYS. pls keep comingg here to tagiie! ((*: stae damn cute.
**xiaoxiao:: HAPPYYS NEW YEAR TO0! ((:
**edwin:: yayness. CROSSES. heees. HAPYYS NEW YEAR to0 EDWIN!
**RENATA:: happened to heardd of uu.LOLS.
**coraa ; illusionist:: HAPPYYS NEW YEAR to0!
**Tiffany :: ii definatelyy will when ii gotta da time. kiip smiling gal!
**yeeling:: will linkk uu de narhhs. hees. n tt will be whenn ii link everyone. hahs. hmms. gotta c if ii got time or nott nehs. will try t0! ((P:
**ULI:: maebe ii 'll sendd uu a msg or somethingg. ((:
**Edward:: heyys dude. ii CANT TAGG uur bl0gg! x*( will link ye up when ii link the others. hees. TAG miies often.! yays.
**MANDY :: ii aint a babe. UU R (:
**maya ;D::tankiie winkiies.
**bbe{N} :: hahs. TO0 BA:DDD. miss wongg BLOCKkED us. x))
**huii` :: yeahhs. tanks cute; sweets. <3333s.hees.>
**-`meii liinqq:: LOLS. boringg denn uu still come here n readd for whadds? go interestingg bl0ggs or use tt FREE time of uurs to do others stuffs larhhs. LOLS.
**claire:: heys gal! hahs. BITCHHYYS!
**wm:: hmms.uu're? kEkes.
endd of tt! TADA.
whadd a hateful life. oh manns.
ii gotta no one ii could pour my hart out at. ii got no one to turn to.when life's disaster, no one is there.
whadd are frens for manns.
just to get down some bitchyyness?
just to codemn bout the flaws tt ii had?
dunn soundd like uu're perfection.
ii neva noe.
uu neva noe.
whadd my hartt ish tinking.
every single trouble;excitement;happiness;sorrows deep down in my hart.
uu'll neva noe.
whadd are frens for.
thinkk bout it.
oh manns.
maebe we seriouslyy shouldd tryy n love each other.

false smile. delighted.
