It's not easy to be UN okay.
Auditions tomorrow. Can someone like FORCE me to study? ask me out for study session or something, make sure we wont talk. LOL
one republic, jason mraz, pussycatdolls!!!! , alicia keys.
I missed panic at the disco. +++++++++ ALOT OF HOT GUYS.
27 july
It was such a band feast last sunday. Had guitar lesson in the morn , jamming session in afternoon and traffic jam!
Saw colin from kingkong jane , stanley and jiro.
Traffic Jam , Street Party 2!
guess who got me the tix? MY DAD.

a mini cooper with logos of the event!damn cute.

We really queued like hell years.

Carwash . everyone had to go through this interesting thingy to get in.

Some sg indie bands.

Left me , right shuang. Our underage tag . RUNS!

Here, this is bean!

kuku crowd.

Awaits for daughtry. They took ard 30-45 mins to set up. like, wth.

Well, of course we made full use of the time:) hell rock ye.

the guy in red. His classic visage.

My hand look so weird! there's holeeee. like your asshole!! LOL.
We definitely sweated like shiate.
But it was totally worthwhile.
The mohawk bassist threw his pick and i almost go crazy.
Bean wanted the drumsticks!
It was damn fun! And i guess that bean is like one of the few ppl who will do such crazy stuffs with me!:)

I loved Jamming with Daughtry:)