(noun) friends, became an understatement.
Quelic – Clique
PACKS –Princess, Aimee, Crosses, Kasey, Sheryl

The Red Line sweets.
The Plain.
Had brunch at The Plain.
The food was alright, great place to chill.
But the beverage are totally not worthy its price at all.
The pink lady apple juice that MS ordered, came in a really small glass. Tasted just like apple juice, and wherever it was from.

oh well. I enjoyed my latte though!
I shared a serving of Darling’s Egg and Beef sandwich with MS. Pretty good!
Love the fact the egg doesnt have the rubbery texture, that some poach egg has!

Doesnt this reminds you of Liu Sha Bao?! hahahaha. just the english version!
Camera clearly has the power to keep girls all entertained.
and you will know why i say that.
The edited pictures will be in the following post, so stay tuned! :D


Grateful for these ladies.
Next post will solely on the photos!
Goodnight. xx