I wonder.
It's been long.
(Directed @ SOME PEOPLE)
Snobbish people who think that they're ALREADY famous and try to be cocky will get their karma back in whichever manner. -Pukes.
We, Ladies, are not one of a kind. Those that throw themselves towards you filthy men. Note that.
If someone thinks that i'm stalking him, I'm so sorry to say I'm NOT. It's just that i saw you walking into your shop. I moved away, cos i was without make up. Loves`)
Superband 2
I find it such a pity that Soap did not get in for the revival round. It really depended on each night, not as the overall. Judges were disappointed by their performance last monday.
But i do agree that Cstar did exceptionally not bad.
For those people who saw me on tv, screaming like a lunatic, super tak-glam or whateverrrrrrrrrrr. ERASE THAT:)

No emo.
I want soap to be in ! They produce steady music at the professional level. The music arrangement was always good, but i thought rossi did not do as well as expected.
Top 4 predictment:
(differs from sist)
-Da feng cui
-Sen lin tie
-San yue
okays, I stopped to be Superband Crazy. I used to adore alot of bands as i thought they were not bad. But apparently, I find some of them to be suckas.
So, They claim i look like that when i'm angry:
A shot of claire:)
Tessa, I still want SK! )':
The princess:)

Me and meh. SPOT ESCAGOT! :*
(more Pics)

oooolala, I love kaylin tay . KISS

Vulnerable to people's minor acts.
recently, i've been down.