There's too too too many stuff to post.
Idk where to start from , & what to start w.Currently Desire :
- Cold hard cash.
- A new Blogskin
- Photo shoot photos.
- A superb tidy room.
- Determination to cut my nails & play the guitar.

& MEGA mcspicy & MEGA mac rocks.
Therefore , enjoy!
-So much to smile, So much to frown.

Beware of this post ,
It's way random.
When the night is dark...
-thunderstorm & lightning-
In short, bored lah.
We were damn high when we said jiayan. Ha.

This is JiaYan from taiwan who requested a pic w me!
Argh, -Melts- I totally dont mind dating a guy like that.
JJ doing a y-tou's intro when we were in taiwan.
Damn cute! ^^
I miss schooling w this bunch of crazy people.
SHIRO~! Crystal's favourite . hee.
To Crystal : He looks cuter in real life right?******************************Lesson to eat Escargots . Ha.
Looks weird ?
yes abit.
I know why!
Eyelashes not curled enuf!
Hmm, This tool looks not bad!
*Curl lashes*

EHH!! How to eat!

"Eyelash Curler" work in progress.

Ta dah. Dine in.
******************Potluck yesterday was awesome!
Questions to you sweethearts
: Do you think it's fine / should I go for him?
`璇. 好想前进.