lessons todae was lik so rubbish-ic
learnt NOTIng.
no much teAching.
butt. I LOVE IT!..
hmmms..tis was all wad da gals (mainliie sheryl) did to my hair..

sheryl ish a genius.

bite her.chew her apart.she's wae to0 skinny.
oh ya.. mR white suggar ish lik ..~sweet~
he gave me a lolliie..
n a hartt agaiin..

once..mr white white suggar passed tis lollie to girly suggar.she feels so..So..delighted..happy..=)) a lollie made her dae..=))

tis is girly suGGAR's magic wand

..suggariie harttx..
learnt NOTIng.
no much teAching.
butt. I LOVE IT!..
hmmms..tis was all wad da gals (mainliie sheryl) did to my hair..

sheryl ish a genius.

bite her.chew her apart.she's wae to0 skinny.
oh ya.. mR white suggar ish lik ..~sweet~
he gave me a lolliie..
n a hartt agaiin..

once..mr white white suggar passed tis lollie to girly suggar.she feels so..So..delighted..happy..=)) a lollie made her dae..=))

tis is girly suGGAR's magic wand

..suggariie harttx..