Sunday, January 18, 2009

*Hang Out places.

Kuishinbo is a must eat!

DBL O . A few weeks back.

Dbl o 's Drinks are very cheap but the o bar's dance floor smells pretty much like someone just puked.

Dolly doing my makeup for the dance :)

@ thINK tattoo w Nat.
I think he resembles Jiro from YXF ALOT.

Here's Jiro.

Dearest : Thanks dearest :) Do Take care!

Juan : Oh okay... speechless. sian half.

Yuki : Linking everyone when change bs.

Hi : Oh , why that sudden interest. Sounds like you alr know man.
C5. Hope this quench your thirst.

Why so hard to jio someone. Laughyourassoff .

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